Lean minced lamb
Lean minced pasture-fed lamb.
Unlike standard lamb mince made from odds and ends trimmed during the butchery process we make our lamb mince exclusively from prime cuts of leg and shoulder. We have chosen to do this in order to create a product of the highest quality - lean, tender and packed with the delicate flavour of pasture-fed Sussex lamb.
Our lamb mince is perfect for shepherds pie, lasagne, home-made lamb burgers and all manner of mid-week family meals.
Sold in 500g portions
This product is supplied ‘fresh-frozen’. After allowing our lamb to dry-age for 7 days we butcher, pack and freeze it in small batches to ensure it arrives in perfect condition. After unpacking it can be returned straight to the freezer, or placed in the fridge and allowed to defrost thoroughly before cooking. Once defrosted it should be treated as fresh and cooked within 5 days. Any meal made with our frozen lamb is perfectly safe to freeze.
21 in stock