Why Pasture Fed is so important

Why Pasture Fed is so important

Why ‘Pasture-fed’?
Food production is the fundamental purpose of farming. We farm in order to feed our population. However, the shift towards industrialised processes is increasingly resulting in food that is neither good for us, the welfare of the farmed environment, or the health of the planet.
It needn’t be like this. Livestock produced on pasture-fed systems can help to mitigate climate change as well improving the health of our soils and promoting the recovery of the biodiversity that has been so badly damaged by decades of factory farming. Pasture-based farming systems can also produce food that is better for us.
What are the health benefits of ‘pasture-fed’?
In the UK we’re blessed with the perfect climate to grow pasture and, in turn, to rear livestock. A varied pasture-based system gives ruminant animals the natural nutrients they require to convert grass into vitamin and nutrient-rich meat without the need to ‘top-up’ or compensate for shortfalls through the use of supplementary grain. Pasture-fed meat contains a higher level of omega 3 fatty acids than grain-fed meat, as well as higher concentrations of key vitamins and nutrients.
What are the environmental benefits of ‘Pasture-fed’?
Huge swathes of the world’s land is being cleared to produce grain to feed to livestock. This process is damaging to the environment on multiple levels. Pasture-fed meat can be produced without the need for grain and as a result is far less damaging. A well managed pasture system can produce food to feed the population whilst sequestering carbon, restoring soil health, rebuilding ecosystems and cutting water use.
At Garlic Wood Butchery we sell certified 100% ‘Pasture for Life’ beef and lamb, as well as beef and lamb from producers farming to 100% pasture-only standards, but not yet fully certified. We believe that by supporting these producers we can be part of a positive move towards a more ethical and environmentally friendly food production system.
For more in depth information on the environmental and health benefits of pasture fed beef and lamb visit Pasture for Life at www.pastureforlife.org